Taylor Swift’s Cardigan

NAPOWRIMO 2024, Day 29

In recognition of Taylor Swift releasing another album, Merriam-Webster put together a list of ten words from Taylor Swift songs. The setter hoped we didn’t find this too torturous (you have no idea!!!), but we were challenged to select one these words, and write a poem that uses the word as its title.

I grasped the nettle, took the bull by the horns, looked my demons in the face and held my breath.


Ten gifts,
From Taylor Swift?
How absurd!
Grateful are my ears,
For none of her words,
Did Marconi or Edison ever into them lift.
Till now; thanks for that!

A lexicographer’s mercurial twist,
Summoned up a Machiavellian list,
That does entreat me,
To write an elegy,
On my own musical bigotry.
O, happy Monday!

This writing feels heretical,
Perfectly positioned antithetical.
Has my ignorance really been my loss,
My schadenfreude albatross,
Tied by myopia around my neck?
O, flipping heck!

A gauntlet thrown,
Me, challenge accepting,
I write for the mirror.
It tastes medicinal, self-effacing.
Will her music I embrace?
I doubt it!

May holds to keys to set me free
From this poet’s prison.
My crime, a case of altruism.
A crime a freely, gladly commit,
It is an incandescent candle lit.
We thank Columba for that!

Snuggly tucked under my duvet,
In that precious, fleeting time
Between alarm clock and coffee,
I arrange meetings of the mind,
Clandestine and digital.
Today may be a cardigan day.
Or maybe not!


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